We congratulate you and express our gratitude for owning this unique product and indirectly contributing to our work.
* We use some of our sales revenues in scientific studies to reveal the benefits of honey against cancer. 
* We share scientific research results transparently with the world. 
* Our future goal is to scientifically prove the benefits of honey against cancer and other chronic diseases by successfully completing in vivo scientific studies and clinical research that require high budget.
* The studies mentioned above are not carried out especially in western countries due to some obstacles, so people do not have enough information about the real benefits of honey. 
* With our sales, we also sponsor prestigious international conferences on natural drug discoveries.
* In order to continue our work independently and to transparently announce the scientific results to humanity, we do not receive support from anyone or any organization and do not accept investment offers. 
* We support international conferences and competitions to increase beekeeping activities.
* We provide financial support to producers to increase the number of bees to protect nature. 
* We know that honey is never a product that can be easily obtained and cheaply purchased by anyone therefore  raising awareness inorder to increase ethical and quality honey production for healthier people.

*Unfortunately, the mainstream media focuses more on our prices and for some reasons does not include the scientific studies we have already done and planned.

In addition, we observe that the researchers we contacted from America and Europe are hesitant about conducting more scientific research on honey. In the future, we will make more efforts to ensure that the mainstream media announces the health benefits of honey worldwide and takes bolder steps against the pharmaceutical industry, to disseminate similar studies worldwide and to raise awareness on this issue.
*We meticulously respect mother nature and bees at every stage. We provide support to individuals, local and international organizations working to protect biodiversity and combat the climate crisis.